Once you have built sufficient ‘emergency monies’ that are held in instantly available cash savings accounts, you may want to explore the world of investing and achieving a real return on your money. Savings capital is guaranteed but will deliver low returns, investment money is potentially at risk but also with the possibility of greater returns.
Investment choices can be confusing and even overwhelming. We are experts at understanding your personal situation and needs and putting in place tried and tested, robust investment strategies to help you make the most of your money and to build for the future. Ranging from the most cautious clients to speculative or aggressive investors we can find a portfolio and strategy to meet your needs. At times of stress and anxiety our behavioural coaching and ‘hand holding’ will allow you to stay the course and receive the longer-term returns that you deserve.
We believe that the principles of successful investment management are enduring and by employing our highly diversified / low cost approach to investing delivers you the very best chance of achieving the returns that you desire. We believe that successful investing involves a huge paradox – the more you pay to invest, the less you get in returns.
If you are unhappy with your current Advisers, then we offer a comprehensive portfolio review service. Allow us to scratch beneath the surface of your investment holdings and potentially identify improvements and potentially better value. If you are a DIY investor, then we believe that our experience and detailed knowledge of investment markets mean that we may deliver better results than what you can achieve yourself. For first time investors, we believe that by explaining your options in simple and easy to understand language, that we will cut through much of the mystery of investing and make clear and straightforward recommendations, tailored to your needs and demands
The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invest. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice, Will writing or Trusts.

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